Vision and values

Sustainability at Fogmaker

Sustainability means looking at the complete picture – economy, environment, and social welfare. It is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future.

At Fogmaker International AB, together with our partners, suppliers and customers, we work towards all three parts (People, Profit and Planet) for a sustainable future!
Our core values are: Expertise, Integrity and Commitment.



Our vision is that Fogmaker has no direct emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by 2045, i.e. we want to be a climate-neutral company in 2045. We want to have no emissions of harmful substances into water, soil or air.

We want to contribute to social welfare at home and abroad.

We want to continue growing economically with at least 10% each year.


0% harmful substances in suppression liquid by the end of 2024

-10% energy consumption during 2023 in Scope 2. Read more about “Scope 2” at

Emissions in scope 1 – reduced by 10% per year to 0 in 2030​ (

Emissions in scope 3 – reduced by 5% per year to 0 in 2045 (


Register our progress at the Synesgy database.

Selected which Agenda 2030 areas that are most important to us:

Analyzing and striving to reduce environmental impact in our product development:

We are continously improving product packaging to be more material efficient.

Planned: Construction handbook to easier select best materials and product design.

Striving to phase out the use of any potentially harmful substances and materials where possible and working to ensure safe handling throughout the value chain.

Our current suppression liquids are “pure liquids” based on clean Swedish water.

We keep a chemical register to reduce number of chemicals used and if a chemical needs to be phased out.

Working on developing: A new more environmentally friendly suppression liquid

Working with circularity and improved material efficiency through reuse and increased recycling of materials.

CO2 calculation for 2023, 2022 and 2021 – see image below:

Fogmaker products can withstand repeated use and may be re-sent to Fogmaker certified Partners for refurbishment (5-/10-year service). The majority of product material is recyclable and 99,9% is recycled at our Fogmaker International AB – facilities. Discards of material is low in our production.

Lowering our energy consumption as far as possible, all electricity used on FMI sites is 100% water or wind power, and all heating energy is from locally produced wood biofuel. As you can see in image below our scope 1 and 2 emissions are almost nothing compared to Scope 3!

We have Energy efficient buildings classified as “B” on a scale from A to G, where A is the most (and G is the least) efficient building economy.

Ongoing: To reduce/replace electrical lighting. Light fixtures are moved, replaced with LEDs, and/or replaced with motion sensor controlled ones.

On hold: To install Solar panels on our roof during 2024, as we are planning for future growth we are revising investments in current buildings.

A table showing kg CO2 emissions for Fogmaker during 2023 per scope

Investigating more efficient external and internal transports

All internal transports are electrical

Bicycling initiatives for employees, including ”Benefit bicycle” and free bicycle service.

Ongoing: Investigate the availability of air versus sea freight for our customers.

Complying with all external laws and regulations, including Reach, RoHS and Conflict minerals.

All our suppliers need to comply with all regulations which is ensured through supplier agreements.

Fogmaker is ISO 14001 certified since 2013, ISO 9001 certified since 2009 and IATF 16949 certified since 2018.